OLEUM online workshop - New analytical methods for the quality and authenticity of olive oils

On November 16th and 17th, the OLEUM researchers held an online workshop, due to the ongoing restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Italian workshop with the title: “New analytical methods for the prevention and control of the quality and authenticity of olive oils: proposed by the European project OLEUM“ was organized in collaboration with Assitol and Federolio, two Italian associations of olive oil producers.

OLEUM researcher Enrico Valli from the University of Bologna points out that, “such preparation has been - and currently is - a big effort for all the UNIBO research group especially in this difficult time due to the covid emergency.” That is why it was all the greater pleasure to host, together with the Italian native OLEUM researchers responsible for the analytical tools developed in the project, institutional staffs of national official quality control bodies and other stakeholders of the olive oil sector.

With around 200 attendees during this two-day workshop, it was a very successful event with lots of learnings for new analytical methods to protect the quality and authenticity of olive oil.













The presentations from the workshop were as follows:

Monday, 16.11.2020:

Welcome and brief introduction of the OLEUM project
by professor Tullia Gallina Toschi (University of Bologna, OLEUM Project Coordinator)

A targeted method to validate the quantitative determination of volatile compounds in virgin olive oils by SPME-GC-FID/SPME-GC-MS 
(Professor Tullia Gallina Toschi, Dr Enrico Valli - University of Bologna)

Determination of the product category of virgin olive oils by untargeted SPME-GC-MS profile analysis in volatile compounds
(Professor Stefania Vichi - University of Barcelona)

Rapid screening method for the determination of the product category of virgin olive oils by semi-targeted HS-GC-IMS profile analysis in volatile compounds
(Dr Filippo Panni, Dr Enrico Casadei - University of Bologna)

Use of two reference materials to support the sensory analysis of virgin olive oils
(Professor Alessandra Bendini - University of Bologna)

Questions and answers related to the methods presented and open discussion on operational aspects
(moderated by Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi)

Conclusions and round table
Future scenarios after validation of the quantitative data referring to specific volatile compounds. The path to establishing limits and intervals and how to support the Panel test.
Prof. Lanfranco Conte - President of the Italian Society for the Study of Fatty Substances
Dr Angelo Faberi - MIPAAF ICQRF
Dr Salvatore Giuliano - Head of the Palermo Chemical Laboratory - Monopoli Customs Agency
moderated by Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi

Tuesday, 17.11.2020:

Welcome and introduction to the day
by professor Tullia Gallina Toschi (University of Bologna, OLEUM Project Coordinator)

COI guidelines for the conservation of olive oils: information for producers and distributors and information for consumers
(Professor Tullia Gallina Toschi - University of Bologna)

Prediction and shelf-life evaluation software for virgin olive oils
(Prof. Maurizio Servili - University of Perugia)

Additional measures of predictive markers for the shelf-life of virgin olive oils: the opportunities offered by the microESR system
(Professor Tullia Gallina Toschi - University of Bologna)

Method for the SPE/GC-FID determination of free and esterified sterols applied to vegetable oils
(Prof. Paolo Lucci - University of Udine)

Questions and answers related to the methods presented and open discussion on operational aspects
(moderated by Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi)

Conclusions and round table
Responsibility for the correct preservation of olive oils and methods of shelf-life prediction: quality and authenticity checks and screening, future prospects.
Dr Stefania Carpino - Director of the ICQRF Laboratory of Perugia - MIPAAF
Marisa Cataldo - Filiera 21, Network of lawyers for the Agrifood Industry
moderated by Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi