OLEUM Final Conference
On the 17th and 18th of February 2021, the OLEUM project successfully held its final conference. In total, over 400 people from different fields registered for the online meeting to discover the results of the project and discuss the future possibilities to assure olive oil quality and authenticity.
The event was separated into two days with day one targeted on the outcomes and impacts of OLEUM on the future of Europe’s policies on olive oil and the second day focused on the newly developed analytical tools and methods to further ensure olive oil quality and authenticity.
Prof Giovanni Molari, Head of Agricultural and Food Sciences department at the University of Bologna, welcomed the attendees before project coordinator Prof Dr Tullia Gallina Toschi gave an outline on the most important outcomes of the OLEUM project and stated that the opportunities that arise out of them are of great interest and extremely valuable for the market. The results that the OLEUM project delivers are also taken into account developing future EU olive oil policies.
"We need to have a formative role on what is olive oil and what is EVOO." – Prof Dr Tullia Gallina Toschi
The international and continuously growing OLEUM Network gathers and enlarges the high-quality expertise in the analysis and authentication of olive oils. Thus, leading to new and innovative tools and methods to counteract fraudulent activities and protect the quality of olive oil. The findings out of these methods can be stored in the OLEUM Databank which is one of the key outcomes of the project and helps to improve information exchange between different stakeholders of the olive oil community. Due to the many incorrect information around olive oil from various sources, it is an important part of the project to give reliable and science-based information to the public, which is why the communication part of the OLEUM project is of great importance.
The respective methods were introduced and explained by their developers on the second day of the OLEUM final conference. Attendees got an insight into the technical backgrounds and had the possibility to clarify questions from the developers in a Q&A session.
The feedback at the end of the conference as well as in the chat and via social media was great and the OLEUM-Team would like to thank all the attendees and speakers to make this possible!
For more information on the main outcomes of the project, the recordings of the final conference and other resources, please see the Virtual Package that we prepared for you: Click here
You can find the recording of the final conference here!